Blog Posts


June 25, 2022

glossary # Player - each individual involved in the game and present in the session; Group - All players, each individual involved in the game and present in the session; Tale - the narrative being weaved together by the Players Giramundo - the GM, a game facilitator Errante(s) - The Players in the role of the Main Cast Bearer - A character of the Main Cast Main Cast - The collective of Bearers, played by the Brincantes Supporting Cast - The lot of Supporting Characters Supporting Character - a character created by the the GM or a Bearer… Background - Trait - Load - the collection of Burdens carried by an Andejo Burden - Move - a procedure that is triggered by the conversation, whether it springs from the fition in the Tale, or from choices the Bearers make Die, Dice - d6, six sided die Dice pool - a bunch of dice put together to make a roll


June 26, 2022

A system for generating locations based on Wanderhome. worldbuilding # Themes and Domains # As you explore the world, use Elements and traits to outline the places you find. You can use elements and traits with a hex grid to procedurally generate the map as you travel, or you may instead use it only for landmarks and places of interest. 1. Wilderness # Places untouched by folk where our more than human counterparts live in the present, mostly uncaring about our history or futures. ...


June 26, 2022

A set of concepts for exploration procedures. Exploration Moves # When travelling through the world, you enter the Exploration phase. You can use these moves when exploring. Prepare # When you prepare for the journey ahead, be Mindful. Set Out # When you set out into the wilds, ask each party member for 1 hope they have for the road ahead and 1 fear. Also, answer these 3 questions: ...


June 26, 2022

Creating challenges. Challenges # Sometimes problems require more than a simple, direct approach. Challenges represent contests, conflict, or complex obstacles that will put the party through the gauntlet. The prosecutor at a trial, a group of armed soldiers, a troll in the middle of a bridge, children playing tag or a dragon raining fire down on the party are all examples of Challenges. Creating a Challenge # Determine the nature of the Challenge the party will face. ...


June 26, 2022

A few ideas for a challenge resolution System, plus some ideas from Deodatus Method 1: Resist Blows # When a character strikes a Blow against a Resistance, the GM will create a dice pool. Lesser Blow: 1d6 Mean Blow: 2d6 Hard Blow: 3d6 Add +1d6 for every point of Damage that Resistance has. If the GM rolls a 1, that Resistance gets crossed out and is overcome. If not, add 1 damage to it. ...


June 26, 2022

burdens - outline # The outline for the burdens system is like this: using burdens # players rely on burdens burdens get heavier; if a burden gets too heavy, players can’t rely on it anymore; if all burdens get too heavy something bigger happens; recovering burdens # not quite sure on it, but I thought on this: during respite, start a project; probably with a clock; once the clock is done, get a new burden; I am not convinced on doing this at all. ...