

June 26, 2022

A few ideas for a challenge resolution System, plus some ideas from Deodatus

Method 1: Resist Blows #

When a character strikes a Blow against a Resistance, the GM will create a dice pool.

Lesser Blow: 1d6

Mean Blow: 2d6

Hard Blow: 3d6

Add +1d6 for every point of Damage that Resistance has.

If the GM rolls a 1, that Resistance gets crossed out and is overcome. If not, add 1 damage to it.


Magic Sigils Room;Damage
Illusion MagicX
Sophisticated ContraptionsX X X
Trapped Control PanelXX
Golden Sigils

If a character strikes a Mean Blow against Illusion Magic, the GM will roll 3d6.

When the GM strikes a Blow against a character, the procedure is similar. The character will roll as many dice as established by the severity of the blow, +1d6 if they are Vulnerable. If they roll a 1, they lose 1 Hold.

Method 2: Active Rolls #

The true difference between this and the previous method is who makes the rolls.

When a character strikes a Blow against a Resistance, that character will create a dice pool.

Lesser Blow: 1d6

Mean Blow: 2d6

Hard Blow: 3d6

Add +1d6 for every point of Damage that Resistance has.

If the character rolls a 6, that Resistance gets crossed out and is overcome. If not, add 1 damage to it.


Magic Sigils Room;Damage
Illusion MagicX
Sophisticated ContraptionsX X X
Trapped Control PanelXX
Golden Sigils

If a character strikes a Mean Blow against Illusion Magic, they roll 3d6.

When the GM strikes a Blow against a character, the procedure is similar. The GM will roll as many dice as established by the severity of the blow, +1d6 if the character is Vulnerable. If the GM rolls a 6, the character loses 1 Hold.

Method 3: Damage as Established #

This is the simplest and most direct method.

When creating Opposition, the GM will distribute a number of Resistance Points among all Resistances. I’d recommend 5 points for an easy Opposition and about 15 points for a very hard Opposition.

Once any Resistance has lost all of is Resistance Points, it is Overcome.

When a character or the GM strikes a Blow, they deal 1-3 damage according to the severity of the Blow.

Lesser Blow: 1 damage

Mean Blow: 2 damage

Hard Blow: 3 damage


Magic Sigils Room;Resistance
Illusion MagicX
Sophisticated ContraptionsX X X X X
Trapped Control PanelX X
Golden SigilsX X

If a character strikes a Mean Blow against Golden Sigils, it loses 2 Resistance Points and is Overcome.

If the GM strikes a Mean Blow against a character, that character loses 2 Hold.

Method 4 - Fantasy & Feelings #

When a character strikes a Blow against a resistance, that character will roll a d6 pool as stablished.

Lesser Blow: 1d6

Mean Blow: 2d6

Hard Blow: 3d6

Don’t ignore any dice.

If there is a result is higher than the damage the Resistance Points, that resistance is defeated. If not, it loses 1 point. If there is a result higher than the Resistance Points, that resistance is defeated. If not, it loses 1 point.

If there is a result is 1, that character loses 1 Hold. If there is a 1, that character loses 1 Hold.

Using an opening adds 1 die and drops the lowest die. Being vulnerable adds 1 die and drops the highest die.

Variation: double 1s and double 6s.

If the result is a double 6, Overcome that resistance and deal 1 damage to a different resistance.

Using an opening adds 1 die and drops the lowest die. Being vulnerable adds 1 die and drops the highest die.

Variation: double 1s and double 6s.

If the result is a double 6, Overcome that resistance and deal 1 damage to a different resistance.

If the result is a double 1, the character loses 2 Hold.> If the result is a double 1, the character loses 2 Hold.

When determining Resistances, spend a number of points among them. I’d say 5 to 15 points depending on how hard the challenge the Opposition presents.


Magic Sigils Room;Resistance (10 pts)
Illusion MagicX X
Sophisticated ContraptionsX X X
Trapped Control PanelX
Golden SigilsX X X X

Suggestion from Deodatus #

So you roll the pooled ‘hit’ dice and sum the highest 2 dice: 12: Angle totally destroyed. The situation changes. ** ‌10-11: Angle is not destroyed but beaten, won’t be active unless the boss can withdraw and ‘heal’ it. The situatuon changes. ‌7-9 Angle fights back with some soft counter move ** ‌1-6 Angle retributes with some hard counter move