
composing a bearer #

To create a Bearer, take the writing implements of your choice and compose your character by writing their name and pronouns.

Add their background and a sentence about it, then describe which Trait they are very good at and which Trait they are not very good at.

Describe their Load by writing a sentence about each Burden they bear. Finally, write a sentence mentioning your Remarkable Moves.

Highlight the important things related to rolls and Moves for easy reference, and any other bit of information you think is relevant.

You can use the template below for inspiration:

I am [character name + pronouns]. I am a/an [Background], [short description]].

I am very [Trait], but not very [Trait].

I carry [Burden 1], [short description]; [Burden 2], [short description]; [Burden 3], [short description]; [Burden 4], [short description]; [Burden 5], [short description].

I can [Remarkable Move A] and [Remarkable Move B], [short description].

Each [short description] blank can be elaborated however you like.

Example #

I am Celimine (she/her), a Moonstar Knight. I am very Kind but not very Cautious.

Since I mostly wander around, I carry my most precious things with me: a moonblade, sharp and gleaning; an attire fit for a dancer; a spell of healing, which requires a black flower and a white feather; a spell of moonfire that I can summon with a single silvery hair from my head; my melodious voice, that some say can sing a Dragon to sleep.

I can Dispel Darkness by calling forth a crown of stars that brings relief by shedding a cold, soft light.

At times of great need, I can Invoke the Old Powers, but it’s a costly choice.