
threads: scenarios and settings #

Settings and scenarios are the backbone of the Tale you are all sharing.

As long as there is magic and wonder, and many opportunities to meet interesting people and get into and out of trouble, any world works.

starter threads #

If you are stuck, here’s a little list of starting scenarios for your game. Just pick one everyone goes wide-eyed for or roll 1d6, or maybe combine them somehow.

1. sol #

The world is incredibly old, and civilizations rose and fell so many times few dare keep track. The Old World left Relics powered by the Sun, which no one can recreate and few can figure out what they are for, often settling on repurposing them.

Natural magic and mystical technology are both ubiquitous and mysterious.

2. many moons #

It is said that less than a century ago, the Last Day set, the sky lit up with crimson and gold, the stars burned and then many Moons rose from the core of the planet to light the path to freedom.

They criss-cross the sky, bathing us with eternal twilight, ever-shifting the Tides, which we learned to Sail in order to build our lives within the crystal domes that now bejewel the world.

3. we, the monsters #

When the Spheres converged, Humans poured into our world, hell-bent on conquering, colonizing, and annihilating everything they didn’t own or understand.

They call our homes lairs, our communities hordes, and us they call monsters. They have destroyed or stolen too much, yet it is not enough.

But we, the Monsters, will hold our ground and push back, and they will be sorry they ever set foot in our world.

4. everything is good #

There is a village between the River and the Mountain, embraced by the Woods. In this quiet, peaceful village, the Elders keep the Community organized, while the folk toil and idle happily. Every day is the same, everyone is content and everything is in place.

And it’s all wrong.

All of you are blow-ins, but none of you remember where you arrived from, who you were before, or why you are here. And this realization hits you like a hammer as all of you wake up somewhere deep in the woods, by a white obelisk, and there are a bunch of dead people lying around you.

5. stonetouched #

When the children of Lua come of age, they gather around the Stones, a set of rocks that sprout from the ground in a semi-circular formation. They sing and dance, and the stones hum in harmony with their chant. During the ritual, each youth vibes with one of the Stones, receiving one of the aspects of the moonfolk:

- From the Black Stone, the form of the Moon, Enluara;
- From the Myriad stone, the form of the Dream, Quimera;
- From the Coral Stone,the form of the Fire, Valente;
- From the Nightstone, the form of the Star, Celeste; 
- From the Clearstone, the form of the Light, Lumiar; 

Usually, three to five youths participate in the ceremony together. Once they receive their blessings, they are to be sent out in the world as a party and journey through it to become wiser.

6. a rock and a hard place #

A Runaway Princess, a Stargazer, a Knight of the Moon and Star, and a Petty Criminal find themselves beset by a band of mercenaries led by The Hound on one flank, while the gates of the Devil’s Keep looms on the other.

This day started badly when you lost the ship to sail past the Misty Sea towards the Rou homeland, and now this. How did you end up in this situation, and, more importantly, how will you get the heck out of it?