
common traits #

There are 5 Traits: Kind, Brave, Curious, Cautious, and Insightful.

In broad terms, each Trait represents a form of approaching the world, as well as allowing it to change you.

trying things #

When you try things you must choose a Trait to represent how you express your intention.

Decide which Trait best applies, which keyword reflects your intention, and describe what you hope will happen.

Kind- ease, aid, soothe;
- relate, inspire, support;
- sway, disarm, placate.
Brave- confront, oppose, intercept;
- endure, divert, protect;
- encourage, embolden, empower.
Curious- observe, study, search;
- meddle, probe, test;
- contact, request, engage.
Cautious- observe, identify, heed;
- disarm, dissuade, divert;
- plan, maneuver, position.
Insightful- wonder, portend, imagine;
- sense, probe, trust;
- guide, channel, yield.

unique trait #

Each Bearer has a Unique Trait, a simple word or two that describes a personality quirk or trait that further defines your character.

Roll 1d6 to pick up the trait, choose the one you like, or come up with something else.

  1. Quiet;
  2. Thoughtful
  3. Calculatting;
  4. Responsible;
  5. Timid;
  6. Talkative.